Matthew 2:10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
Is there great joy in our hearts and homes as we celebrate the birth of Christ?
It seems to me that December can be a Blurrrrrr…if we aren't careful! So much to DO! Family...Friends...School...Church...
Baking...Christmas cookies, Grandmas recipe for fudge_
Decorating… the perfect Christmas tree, lights, ornaments_
Shopping… finding bargains and waiting in line to get them . Spending hours wrapping.
Programs… Choir, school, singing, learning lines, costuming (finding 3 bathrobes for the wisemen!)
Although Christmas is meant to be a joyous season, many struggle with depression and discouragement during this time of the year. Let's take time each day to focus on how much we are valued and loved as children of God. The holidays are merely a season, but God's love and compassion for us are permanent. It is a great time to share with others the LOVE of Christ and the true meaning of Christmas as well!
We all know that “Jesus is the reason for the season”! Do not let it just be a line we see on a Christmas card.
1. Let's spend as much time seeking God's heart as we do shopping for the perfect gifts.
2. Let's take as much time preparing our hearts to be aware of others and their needs as we do decorating our homes to make Martha Stewart proud!
3. Let's be OVERWHELMED by His goodness to us and not by all that has to be done!