Saturday, June 23, 2007


School is out, but it doesnt mean you have to feel like you are losing your marbles because there is the pitter patter of little feet all aound. Listed below are some ideas to get your summer off to a great start!


School is officially out! The little angels are home for the summer....are you ready for them? I hear moms say..."I have to get things organized. I need chores for my children so they arent sitting plating video games or sleeping their life away."
Summer can be a fun time for the entire family or a long time to wish that school would hurry up and start! Your children are only young for such a short period of time. I remember a young mother asking me one time if she should be worried because her son was wetting the bed still at three. I told her that if he wet the bed until he was ten, but he lived to be 80...he would enjoy 70 dry years!!! :)
Get busy thinking of some fun activites to enjoy with your children, as well as, projects they they can help you do around the house. What a wonderful time to clean out closets and discard items that wont fit for school in the fall. Assign drawers that need to be cleaned, closets, porches, and garages. Make it a group effort. No one minds working if everyone is joining in....DAD too! Lets make this the best summer yet!

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